Friday, April 3, 2015

04/2015 -- 4 Tips To Building A Successful Online Internet Business

Some people try to make SFI much more complicated than it really is. There are basically 4 things you need to learn to do. Watch this video:

=== > > > START YOUR SFI BUSINESS TODAY< < < < ===

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

04/2015 -- 6 Actions To Build Your SFI Business On A Budget

Would you like to learn how to build your SFI business on a budget? Indeed we are living in critical times when money seems so hard to get. Many individuals desire to become a part of SFI but are concerned about the limited budget they have. They ask themselves whether their SFI business can thrive on a limited budget; it depends on you. Here are some suggestions that I would like to share with you in regards to building your SFI business on a limited budget:

On becoming an EA in the first month you will receive 10 TCredits and 2 co-sponsored affiliates (CSA's). Your job has begun. Now you are going to proceed as follows:
  1. Everyday daily actions = approximately 30 x 11 = 330 VP

  2. Weekly actions (Genealogy letter) 4 x 30 = 120 VP

  3. TConnect 4 x 5 = 20 VP

  4. Stream Posts 4 x 3 = 12 VP

  5. Monthly (Rate sponsor after second month) = 10 VP

  6. Set Monthly goals before 10th = 5 VP

Total = 497 Versa Points

1003 VPs are now needed to get to EA2 status. To ensure EA2 status, with approximately $19 ($1 per day for 19 days), you can purchase 10 single TCredits (102 VP's each) which is equivalent to 10 x 102 VP's = 1020 VP's + 50MRPs.

Save the TCredits you got from the first month until a later date, if you so desire.

Use your limited budget wisely for your business to work. SFI is real and all it takes is persistence, perseverance and hard work. I hope these suggestions help. Get started with SFI today by going to

Monday, March 30, 2015

03/2015 -- 3 Tips About Online Jobs For Moms & Dads


Working from home as a stay at home mom or dad is a way for you to spend quality time with your family while also generating a supplemental or even a full-time income with enough hard work, commitment and dedication. Choosing the best online job for you is possible with a bit of preparation and creativity when entering the workforce from home, regardless of your age and where you reside. Finding an online job for stay at home moms or dads can be done with persistence and an understanding of how to go about landing new potential clients and customers for the position you have envisioned for yourself. 


1. Consider Your Experience and Skills

Whenever you want to take the plunge into being a work at home mom or dad, it is vital to inventory your current skills and the level of expertise you have in any field or industry you are interested in. Having confidence in your skills and what you have to offer is not only a way to find new opportunities for revenue online, but it is also essential when you want to appeal to hiring managers and potential employers who have a vested interest in you. Jot down a list of skills you have obtained or worked towards to get an idea of the type of jobs that are likely to be most rewarding for you once you begin submitting applications and reeling in new clients. 


2. Search Job Boards Online

Browsing online job boards is another good way to gain additional insight into work at home careers and various industries that are currently available. Take note of positions that are most appealing to you to help hone in on the proper keywords required to find matching jobs in the same or similar industries. The more familiar you are with job titles that are appealing to you the easier it is to begin submitting multiple job applications simultaneously or within one work day. 


3. Read and Subscribe to Relevant Blogs

Following other moms and dads who are working from home with their blogs and official websites is also necessary when you are new to the idea of generating an income from your own house itself. Following and subscribing to relevant blogs is a way to remain current with the latest job trends in your industry while also giving you access to additional leads necessary to generate revenue while finding new clients who are interested in working with you.


Commenting and becoming actively engaged on blogs and within online forums and communities is also a way to make a name for yourself while getting the feedback necessary to move forward with the earnings you are capable of generating. The more actively engaged you become online the easier it is to adapt to lingo and required skills necessary before seeking a new position.


Knowing how to go about choosing the best online job requires an understanding of the qualities you want to put to work for you and the skills you possess once you begin generating an income. Any time you are seeking an online job for stay at home moms and dads it is essential to keep in mind the time you have available, your skills and the passion you have to put forth the effort necessary to maintain your position, whether you are freelancing or if you want to work from home for years to come. Here is a great business that offers you the opportunity to earn a long-term residual income that can also be given to your son or daughter as an inheritance -

03/2015 -- 4 Tips To Find an Excellent Work From Home Job

There are many places which advertise employment that you can work from home and earn big money, but some of them will raise many red flags before you even get through the advertisement for the position. You will want to know the red flag signs to watch out for when looking for the positions that you can be employed from home.

1. Asking for money to learn. 

Training should not cost you any money if you are an employee. Now if you are starting your own business, then it can be charged without a red flag if you are learning someone else's blueprint on how they earned money doing something. However, you will not have to pay for training material if you are going to be an employee.

2. Job descriptions that aren't clear. 

If the job that you are applying for does not spell it out or make sense, you may want to raise that red flag a little higher on this one. Most WAH businesses and employment agencies will spell it out exactly what you will be doing to earn money. If it does not, it could be a scam and you will want to investigate it further.

3. A Lack of Contact Information. 

You will want to investigate more if the place that you are considering of applying for does not have a clear ways to contact them. You will want to have good contact information for the place that you are thinking of working at. Do they have a street address, a phone number and other information that makes you feel comfortable giving your personal information to? Before applying you will want to check out the information that they have listed as their contact information.

4. Bad results when you research. 

If your research comes up with a lot of negative comments. Before you even consider giving your information to the website that you are thinking of applying for employment you will want to do a through investigation with them to check them out. Searching online for reviews about the company will probably take you longer than applying for that company. But in the end it will be worth it. You will want to make sure that everything is legitimate for a place that you are relaying on to pay your bills and gain employment with.

Using these tips you will be able to find a position that will pay you for working from home. You will want to walk away from any place that you have bad vibes with because now there are many places that you can work from home with. You won't have to choose the first place that you find, there are legitimate companies hiring all the time.

My job is to help others find legitimate WAH jobs. Starting a small business is one great way to work from home, and there are many businesses that you can start with none to very little money. Here is one WAH job that I've been doing for over a year now. Check it out at