Wednesday, April 1, 2015

04/2015 -- 6 Actions To Build Your SFI Business On A Budget

Would you like to learn how to build your SFI business on a budget? Indeed we are living in critical times when money seems so hard to get. Many individuals desire to become a part of SFI but are concerned about the limited budget they have. They ask themselves whether their SFI business can thrive on a limited budget; it depends on you. Here are some suggestions that I would like to share with you in regards to building your SFI business on a limited budget:

On becoming an EA in the first month you will receive 10 TCredits and 2 co-sponsored affiliates (CSA's). Your job has begun. Now you are going to proceed as follows:
  1. Everyday daily actions = approximately 30 x 11 = 330 VP

  2. Weekly actions (Genealogy letter) 4 x 30 = 120 VP

  3. TConnect 4 x 5 = 20 VP

  4. Stream Posts 4 x 3 = 12 VP

  5. Monthly (Rate sponsor after second month) = 10 VP

  6. Set Monthly goals before 10th = 5 VP

Total = 497 Versa Points

1003 VPs are now needed to get to EA2 status. To ensure EA2 status, with approximately $19 ($1 per day for 19 days), you can purchase 10 single TCredits (102 VP's each) which is equivalent to 10 x 102 VP's = 1020 VP's + 50MRPs.

Save the TCredits you got from the first month until a later date, if you so desire.

Use your limited budget wisely for your business to work. SFI is real and all it takes is persistence, perseverance and hard work. I hope these suggestions help. Get started with SFI today by going to

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